Tandskov gravel pit

After more than seven years of cooperation, Tandskov Gravel Pit has sold all the gravel pit activities to Dansand.

“Over generations, the Bak family has created a strong setup at Tandskov Grusgrav gravel pit. We have a strong desire to develop this setup,” says Thomas Steen Hansen, Dansand CEO.

The gravel pit covers a total area of ​​75 hectares, and calculations have shown that quartz sand can be extracted from approximately 30 hectares. This corresponds to a total production of around 10 million tonnes.

Quartz sand is a valuable raw material that is only found in a few places in Denmark, including in Central Jutland.

Sand is an important building block in the Danish infrastructure. It is part of many of the products and solutions that bind modern society together – from concrete elements and wind turbine foundations to drinking water filters and road strips.

“With the purchase of Tandskov Grusgrav, we want to ensure that the important quartz sand deposit is optimally utilized and only used for purposes where another and more common type of sand could not have been used,” says Thomas Steen Hansen.

Morten Bak, who has run Tandskov Grusgrav for the past seven years, will also be on site in the future as responsible for all production equipment. In addition, Morten will be part of Dansand’s development and maintenance team.

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