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Tlf.: | |
Varenummer: | 226100, 229100, 229125, 229375, 229500, 233100, 233150, 241000, 302915, 302925, 303325, 500026, 500029, 500033, 500040 |
Variant: | |
Varianter: | Dansand® Nr. 26 (0,13-0,36 mm) – 226100, 500026, Dansand® Nr. 29 (0,18-0,50 mm) – 229100, 229125, 229375, 229500, 302915, 302925, 500029, Dansand® Nr. 33 (0,18-0,71 mm) – 233100, 233150, 303325, 500033, Dansand® Nr. 40 (0,25-0,71 mm) – 241000, 500040 |
DANSAND® Foundry Sand is developed for castings of liquid metals in various compositions. Silica sand for foundry must have a high quartz content, must be well defined and it must be as dust-free as possible. At Dansand®, we have developed a process in which the sand is first washed and hydro-classified, then oven-dried using natural gas and finally sifted to standard sortings. The purpose of the process is to achieve high sintering temperatures, high chemical purity and a low slurry content – a process that ensures you a good and safe casting of the different types of goods.
We offer four standard grades, and we are also capable of supplying special grades per request.
Product name: Dansand® No. 26 (0.13-0.36 mm)
Product description: Oven-dried silica sand
Product number: 226100, 500026
Properties | Test method | Expected value | Variation range |
Medium grain size - mm | 0.26 | 0.24-0.28 | |
American fineness no. | 55 | 50-60 | |
Theoretical surface cm²/g | 95 | 85-105 | |
Grain uniformity | 80 | 70-90 | |
Density – kg/m³ | DS/EN 1097-6 | 2640 | 2620-2660 |
SiO2 – % | 98 % | > 96 % | |
Sifting analysis EN 933-1 | Loss - % | ||
Nominal grain size – mm | 2 1.4 1 0.71 0.5 0.355 0.25 0.18 0.125 0.090 0.063 | 100 100 100 100 99,5 89 46 17 3 0.6 0.2 |
Product name: Dansand® No. 29 (0.18-0.50 mm)
Product description: Oven-dried silica sand
Product number: 229100, 229125, 229375, 229500, 302915, 302925 og 500029
Properties | Test method | Expected value | Variation range |
Medium grain size - mm | 0.29 | 0.28-0.31 | |
American fineness no. | 45 | 45-55 | |
Theoretical surface cm²/g | 75 | 75-90 | |
Grain uniformity | 62 | 60-80 | |
Density – kg/m³ | DS/EN 1097-6 | 2640 | 2620-2660 |
SiO2 – % | 98 % | > 96 % | |
Sifting analysis EN 933-1 | Loss - % | ||
Nominal grain size – mm | 2 1,4 1 0.71 0.5 0.355 0.25 0.18 0.125 0.090 0.063 | 100 100 100 100 99 71 31 9 1.6 0.5 0.2 |
Dansand® No. 33 (0.18-0.71 mm)
Product description: Oven-dried silica sand
Product number: 233100, 233150, 303325 og 500033
Properties | Test method | Expected value | Variation range |
Medium grain size - mm | 0.41 | 0.37-0.45 | |
American fineness no. | 35 | 30-40 | |
Theoretical surface cm²/g | 55 | 50-60 | |
Grain uniformity | 90 | 83-97 | |
Density – kg/m³ | DS/EN 1097-6 | 2640 | 2620-2660 |
SiO2 – % | 98 % | > 96 % | |
Sifting analysis EN 933-1 | Loss - % | ||
Nominal grain size – mm | 2 1.4 1 0.71 0.5 0.355 0.25 0.18 0.125 0.090 0.063 | 100 100 100 99.5 84 26 6 1.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 |
Dansand® No. 40 (0.25-0.71 mm)
Product description: Ovntørret kvartssand
Product number: 241000, 500040
Egenskaber | Prøvningsmetode | Forventelig værdi | Variationsbånd |
Middelkornstørrelse - mm | 0,41 | 0,37-0,45 | |
Kornfinhedsnummer (AFS nr.) | 35 | 30-40 | |
Teoretisk kornoverflade – cm²/g | 55 | 50-60 | |
Gleichmässigkeitsgrad (GG): | 90 | 83-97 | |
Densitet – kg/m³ | DS/EN 1097-6 | 2640 | 2620-2660 |
SiO2 – % | 98 % | > 96 % | |
Sigeteanalyser iht. EN 933-1 | Gennemfald - % | ||
Nominel kornstørrelse – mm | 2 1,4 1 0,71 0,5 0,355 0,25 0,18 0,125 0,090 0,063 | 100 100 100 99,5 84 26 6 1,7 0,5 0,3 0,2 |
Hardness | 7 mohs |
Bulk density | 1.4 - 1.6 g/cm3 |
Humus | approximately 0-1 |
L.O.I. | approximately 0.2% |
pH value | approximately 6.0 |
Fines | approximately 0.2-0.3% |
Sinter | 1300-1600°C |
SiO2 | approximately 94-99 |
Dry, covered and with no risk of contamination
The products are delivered as bulk in silo cars, in big bags or in 25 kg bags.