EPDs make it easy to make more sustainable choices

Dansand customers can now download EPDs for our washed and dried quartz sand. The EPDs document the sand´s environmental impact, making it easier to make more sustainable choices.


EPD stands for Environmental Product Declaration. It is an internationally recognised, third-party verified document that contains information about the environmental impact of impact of building materials.

Consultants, builders and manufacturers of building materials use EPDs as a tool to compare and choose products with a low environmental impact. EPDs provide an in-depth insight into the sand´s impact. Vital building materials like dry mix concrete and mortar, for example, are made up of approximately 80 % quartz sand.


LCAs map the footprint from cradle to grave


Core to EPDs in the LCA (Life Cycle Assesment). This maps the quartz sand´s environmental impact in all its phases, from excavation of the raw sand from the ground, to being washed, dried and sieved, until it eventually ends its life in the building and is recycled or ends up in landfill, for example.

The analysis itself has been carried out by Force Technology. Thishasthen been verified by a third party at Aalborg University, who work in partnership with EPD Denmark.


Transparency with product specific EPDs


There are two main types of EPDs – industry EPDs and product specific EPDs. Whereas an industry EPD gives an average for a specific product type, a product specific EPD maps a specific product.

At Dansand we have chosen the product specific approach to provide our customers with a better and more precise, data-led basis for making sustainable choices.


Better basis for environmental improvement measures


EPDs do not only provide a tool for Dansand customers, they also make it easier for us to asses how we can reduce our own environmental footprint.

At Dansand, we have a long track record of implementing environmental improvement measures. We recycle 85 % of the washing water used in production, we have reduced our use of virgin plastic for packaging, and we are replaceing energy hungry equipment with more efficient models on an ongoing basis.

EPDs have given us an even better basis than before for assessing where we can take action achieve the greatest possible effect.


You can download the EPDs from Dansand´s website (see the “documentation” tab under the individual products) or via EPD Denmark.

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