Energy surcharges

It requires energy to produce, and transport refined silica sand. At the same time, the world is affected by sharply fluctuating energy prices, which have an impact on our production and freight costs.

To compensate for the fluctuations, our goods and freight charges are each subject to an energy surcharge. Both types of surcharges are variable, which means that they are adjusted as market prices for energy rise and fall. On this page you can stay informed about the current energy surcharges, and gain insight into how we calculate them.

Calculation of surcharges on goods

The energy surcharges are calculated as an average of the daily prices for natural gas, electricity and diesel oil seen over a seven-day period from Friday to Thursday. This means that a surcharge, which is based on readings from Friday in week 1 Thursday in week 2, is valid from Monday to Friday in week 3. 

Energy surcharge on goods
Week 03
€ / tonne
Week 04
€ / tonne
Week 05
€ / tonn
Washed sand in bulk0.000.000.00
Oven dried sand in bulk0.000.000.00
Packed goods0.000.000.00

Average daily prices

In the below table you can find the average of the official spot prices for the period from Friday January 24, to Thursday January 30, 2025.


Natural GasDKK 49,12 per MWh
ElectricityDKK 1066,24 per MWh
DieselDKK 13.611,43 per 1,000 liter

Calculation of surcharges on transport

DateIndex 10015.11.202413.12.202415.01.2025
Oil price Brent Europe6873,4574,8983,48
One barrel in DKK421,60517,09530,22604,40
Index DKK100122,65125,76143,36
Transport washed bulk and packed items%4,535,158,67
Silo transport ovendried bulk%3,854,387,37
Due fromDecember 2024January 2025February 2025

If the price of oil exceeds index 100 a surcharge on oil will automatically be added. This means that if the price of oil goes up to more than DKK 421.60 per barrel a surcharge on oil charge is prompted. Readings of the USD exchange rate and the Brent Europe oil price are taken every month on the 15th on the website below. If the 15th is not a weekday, the reading is taken on the first weekday before the 15th. This forms the basis for the oil surcharge the following month.


We assume no liability for any mistakes or typing errors included on this page.  

Link to natural gas prices >>

Dansand’s natural gas is traded on the ETF market, therefore please see the “ETF” index.

Link to electricity prices >>

Dansand’s electricity is traded at Nord Pool, trading area DK1, please select column “DK1”.